
More work, this time from my newly renovated mid point project, which I had pretty much abandoned after moving to LA. Back in school, ready to move forward, I’ve been working hard on finding a new vehicle for this project, now literally years in the making. Well, one year, to be exact. For those of you with any interest, the mid point project needs to be presented and approved by committee before undertaking master’s thesis work. Basically, I can’t move forward in my studies until I get this project presented and approved. 

It was a challenge to figure out how to adapt this work to the new environment. This series of selfies started out very much a product of San Francisco’s watery coast and foggy bays. Not that here. The landscape here couldn’t be more different. But you know that already. What’s interesting is how it affected my work. It’s more allegorical and less literal. It’s more personal, and has a bit of an edge. And the focus, literally, is what’s inside. Anyway. You’ll see. 

Enough of the art-speak. That was really just an excuse to post some new work. And share this, if I can indulge in a little shameless promotion. I’m thrilled to report I got my first commission check in the mail today, from a gallery that sold one of my prints. To you, buyer, who ever you are, I want to say thank you. I’m deeply grateful. And I’ll add: hold on to it. I think you made a very wise investment.


"Electron Salon"


Winter Portraits