"Pink Noise" @ LACDA

Jared Fortunato, "Eurynome," 2017 | C- Print from Digital Composite

Jared Fortunato, "Eurynome," 2017 | C- Print from Digital Composite

Wanted to share the story of my latest piece, now on display at the LACDA's "Pink Noise" exhibit.

I completed this piece by compositing several different original photos. I call it “Eurynome,” after the archaic Greek goddess of creation.

The story goes that Eurynome rose from the dark, watery void of nothingness and began to dance. Her dance created a wind on the waters. The wind transformed into a serpent called Ophion. She mated with the serpent, and from that union came the cosmic egg which exploded into all of creation—all matter, all life, all energy.

What I love about this story is that Eurynome transcended gender and contained all that was needed for life to appear.  She wasn’t born from a man or in need of a mate. The serpent didn’t corrupt or bring her down. In fact, the union that produced all life came from within herself. From her dance. From her joy.

I like this creation story much better, don't you?

If you have a chance, come view it in person.




Intersections: A Graduate Thesis


Bringing Light